An effective board is the association's greatest asset. The new CAI
Board Leader Certificate Course teaches you how to communicate with
association residents, hire qualified managers and business partners,
develop enforceable rules, interpret governing documents, and more.
It provides a comprehensive look at the roles and responsibilities of
community association leaders and conveys information to help create
and maintain the kind of community people want to call home.
Community association board members and volunteer leaders step
up to take on positions of service and responsibility. They're expected
to anticipate issues, solve problems, meet the expectations of their
residents, and protect property values.
The course will teach you how to become a more successful board
member and how you can recruit and support new volunteers. You'll
learn the role of the board, the president and other leadership positions,
and you'll identify effective ways to work with professional managers
and business partners.
The course consists of four modules:
z Module 1: Governing Documents and Roles & Responsibilities
z Module 2: Communications, Meetings, and Volunteerism
z Module 3: Fundamentals of Financial Management
z Module 4: Association Rules and Conflict Resolution
The course includes an electronic toolbox of support materials:
z The Board Member Toolkit, a best-selling book from CAI Press
z The Board Member Toolkit Workbook
z Brochures and publications, such as The Homeowner
& The Community Association
z A copy of CAI's award-winning Common Groundโข magazine
In addition to a toolbox of support materials, each student receives
a certificate of completion and recognition on the CAI website.
City of Derby City Hall
611 N. Mulberry, Ste 300
Derby, Kansas
Show on map